Type of Meeting: Pound Shop Board Meeting
Meeting Facilitator: Mr Coakley
Invitees and Job Roles: Pound Shop Team
Topics Discussed:
JF: “Excellent fabulously smooth” – Made sure everyone has got on with jobs. Looked at logos. Make sure everyone is working. Print posters next week.
DE: Minutes…More minutes! Research other departments.
JP: Made a budget spreadsheet. Looked up HSBC website. HSBC research and start recording spending.
KW: Logo design. Next week, job research!
JeP: Written minutes, made logo, Prices of stationary research. Individual prices for things
DM: Facebook page, Contacted Oxford School website to ask for advert space. Advance further on FB page.
CB: Marketing Poster done…Next week print it off and distribute.
RK: Disciplinary procedure. Made a poster. Researched employment law. Finish off work.
ZK: Helped Ops Director…Next week: Poster
CI: Stationary contacts, Research, Next Week: A better website. Purchase stock!
GW: Design next week. Took part in the general meeting. Help Jessica.
MT: General Meeting, Name changes, Met with Marketing Director. Discussed Posters. Created Facebook group. Next week…carry on with Promotion. Questionnaire design.
ZT: General Meeting Minutes…Next week – More Minutes, Explore other departments!
JC: New name, Wireless router research, Met with Finance and IT Directors to talk about letter to ICT Services: Next week – Order router!
PK: Researched on company bonuses, motivation! Next week: Disciplinary procedure!
Minutes Posted to Blog by Mr Coakley
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